On Our Way Home
Encouraging you to keep taking steps with Jesus, with a good local church, and with a few friends, so that we will keep on Jesus' Path. This is the path of truth which leads to life with the Father.
126 episodes
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 23--Riding the Train to Worshipville
Praise and worship when the Body of Christ gathers each Sunday is powerful and transforms us.But what is involved in planning and executing praise as a Worship Team? How do God's Word and the Holy Spirit work together with our Pra...
Season 5
Episode 23
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 22--Great Interns and God doing Even MORE than Expected!
It's great to CELEBRATE GOD. We are made to PRAISE THE LORD! On today's podcast we get to CELEBRATE all that God was able to do through our TWO summer interns as they served the body of Christ in children and student ministry...
Season 5
Episode 22
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 21--The Power of the Gospel to SAVE, KEEP, and CHANGE us!
When we come to truly believe in Jesus as our Savior and Lord, everything changes! We are brought from darkness into Jesus' GLORIOUS LIGHT.Salvation is more than just an emotional response. The Gospel is a Transformational R...
Season 5
Episode 21
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 20--Re-Igniting our Vision for 2023
We want to make Disciples of Jesus that make Disciples of Jesus. But sometimes we get distracted, discouraged, or derailed from our mission. Which is why a RE-IGNITING VISION is needed and why we're focusing our attention on our VIS...
Season 5
Episode 20
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 19--From Chaos to Christ
A life that is changed by Jesus through faith in Him is truly life at its best! Our lives don't change simply by trying to modify our behavior from the outside. When Jesus rescues you from your sins and gives you NEW LIFE, G...
Season 5
Episode 19
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 18--Once Upon a Time there were Two Interns!
One of the best things we can do with our life is INVEST in the next generation!Especially when we can invest in the next generation that is FOLLOWING JESUS, we are doing exactly what Jesus wants us to do in making disciples that keep m...
Season 5
Episode 18
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 17--A Holy Discontent
No one likes being stagnant. The Status Quo. The Same Old, Same Old.So what do you have when you aren't content with where you are in your relationship with Jesus or God's Word? You have A HOLY DISCONTENT!Which...
Season 5
Episode 17
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 16--Divine Interventions
God has called each one of us to reach people by sharing His Good News! But what are the key ways that God uses to work in our friendships and relationships so that people will come to believe in Jesus as their Savior and fol...
Season 5
Episode 16
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 15--Permanent Peace with God through Jesus Christ
We have so many blessings in our lives. The greatest of these blessings come to us through FAITH in JESUS CHRIST.So how can we live in response to all the blessings that God has given us? Jason and Ryan discuss the blessings...
Season 5
Episode 15
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 14--Living in the Power of Jesus' Resurrection
Jesus' Resurrection from the dead on the third day is the MAIN EVENT of history, eternity, and our lives.But sometimes we can overlook or undervalue the POWER and the IMPORTANCE of the RESURRECTION. How does the resurrection affec...
Season 5
Episode 14
On Our Home--Season 5--Episode 13--A Jack, a Spare, and A Lug Wrench
We never know when we'll get a flat tire on our car. So we need to be prepared so that we're ready just in case we encounter trouble.Jason and Ryan will discuss 2 Timothy 4:1-5 so that we can be ready to share God's Good News with...
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 12--Simple Steps to Building Relationships and Sharing Jesus
How can we begin to take steps to more naturally and relationally share Jesus with people we know? That's a great question to ask and Jason and Ryan talk about how this can happen in our lives by discussing John 1: 29-51 and see h...
Season 5
Episode 12
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 11--Evangelism is a DISH best served WARM!
Jesus' model of evangelism is RELATIONAL. In other words, Jesus isn't COLD when reaching out to people in need to believe in the Messiah. Evangelism requires some degree of warmth and CONNECTION.Jesus models this perfectly f...
Season 5
Episode 11
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 10--How the Reality of Hell can HELP US
How in the world can the reality of Hell help us?Because KNOWING the reality of Hell and sharing the Gospel of Jesus can allow God's Spirit to bring many to trust in Christ and be saved from Hell.Joel and Ryan discuss why THE WH...
Season 5
Episode 10
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 9--Keeping Evangelism OUT OF the REAR VIEW MIRROR
How can we keep EVANGELISM in front of us and how can we keep something as important as EVANGELISM from slipping into the rear view mirror?Joel and Ryan discuss this question in this episode of ON OUR WAY HOME and as you watch and liste...
Season 5
Episode 9
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 8--So THAT'S what FAITH looks like!
Sometimes we need to SEE something in order to UNDERSTAND.How can we understand what FAITH is, how to get it, how to keep it, and how to grow in FAITH?Dwight and Ryan will discuss Romans 4 today and talk about the life of Abraham wh...
Season 5
Episode 8
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 7--Your Mission is Right in Front of Your Face
Romans 3 is one of the best chapters in the Bible. It wraps up so many GREAT WORDS describing our Salvation through faith in Jesus in ONE PLACE.So how can we come to understand God's incredible salvation which is really BEYOND our...
Season 5
Episode 7
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 6--How can seeing how BAD I am be GOOD?
We all mess up in many ways. We just don't like to admit our mess ups.But could truly seeing our mess ups lead us to a better place that is totally for our GOOD?In Romans 3:9-20 Paul lays out that all people everywhere and thr...
Season 5
Episode 6
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 5--Open to Receive Non-Sugar Coated Truth
It's hard to hear the truth sometimes. But the truth is always our friend.As Paul writes in Romans 3: 1-8, God has given to us His very WORDS.God's WORDS can get in our face, "God is TRUE and everyone is a liar!"So how...
Season 5
Episode 5
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 4--Not an "Air Quotes" Christian
There is always a GAP between who we say we are and who we truly are.So how can we fix that problem? It definitely starts with Jesus and believing the Gospel, but then WHAT? Listen and watch and Lynnea and Ryan discuss h...
Season 5
Episode 4
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 3--The Naughty List
What happens when we stop praising God and giving Him gratitude? Things start going wrong. Things move from bad to worse and we can even end up in a place where God says to us, "I'm going to let you go your own way."One of t...
Season 5
Episode 3
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 2--I want to be a Gospel-Centered person!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or now that you are grown, what do you wish you were able to be?How about being a Gospel-Centered Person? What is a Gospel-Centered Person? Join Joel and Ryan as they discus...
Season 5
Episode 2
On Our Way Home--Season 5--Episode 1--Slave of Christ, Sent, and Set Apart for the Gospel
What does the Bible say about ME? Who does the Bible say I am? What is my true identity?In Romans 1, Paul clearly tells the church at Rome and us, who he was in Christ. And we find that we are equally a slave of Ch...
Season 5
Episode 1
On Our Way Home--Episode 52--The Best of 2022-Sow Seeds, Be Generous, ENJOY LIFE!
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Especially if you're YOUNGER because LIFE is God's gift to us. But right now in our culture, life is hard, confusing, and depressing. Instead of living lives CONNECTED, we're isolated. ...
On Our Way Home--Episode 51--The Best of 2022 Back to the Basics with Jesus
The longer we walk by faith with Jesus, the more we know that life with Jesus is all about the BASICS.Entering through the NARROW WAY and staying on the narrow way is best. The amazing thing is that this narrow way isn't RESTRICTI...
Season 4
Episode 51